5/10 đ
Nicole Kidman, Elle Fanning, Colin Farrell, Kirsten Dunst, Angourie Rice, ein offener Kinogutschein und ein passabler Trailer fĂŒhrten mich bedauerlicherweise in diesen Film. Amerikanischer BĂŒrgerkrieg, Frauen nehmen einen verwundeten Soldaten auf, verlieben sich, aus Eifersucht wird er die Treppe runter geschubst, bricht sich das Bein, das muss amputiert werden, er wird sauer, sie vergiften ihn. Ja, das ist die gesamte Handlung, die dialoglastig und unemotional in 90 Minuten erzĂ€hlt wird. Man stelle sich ein Hörbuch vor, in welchem 90 Minuten lang diese Leere vorgelesen wird. Ein Desaster.
Ein IMDB-Review beschreibt das Desaster treffend:
I have seen the original version of this film many years ago and remembered it as being atmospheric and full of sexual tension so was looking forward to seeing this. Unfortunately I was in for a huge disappointment. The pace was slow, dialogue laboured, scenes so darkly 'lit' my overwhelming impression of the film is endless greyness. The characters had no flesh on their bones, there was no back story of any depth and I cared so little for any of them that I fell asleep. I was saddened to wake from my slumber and discover I had only slept for a few, too brief, minutes and this turgid film was still playing. I decided I must try harder to get on board as it was my time and money after all and I could sleep for free at home so concentrated on staying awake and waiting for the excitement, as every film has at least a little bit of excitement, but not this one. It is one-paced, boring, dull, nothing of any import happens at all. Save your money, stay at home and watch the original, it's a far better film than this drivel.