Evernote kann in aktuelleren Versionen Beziehungen zwischen Dokumenten darstellen. Die Funktion "Related Notes" stellt unterhalb eines Dokuments drei dazu passende Dokumente dar. Für mich war diese Funktion immer wertlos, da die Dokumente nur sehr vage zur Auswahl passten.
DEVONthink bietet ähnliches und beschreibt die technologische Basis so:
Kernel: The kernel is the foundation for all layers and applications and is responsible for data handling, semantic and associative data processing, signal processing, fast statistic analyses and all fuzzy algorithms. It has to be as fast, flexible, and extensible as possible; it is 64-bit aware and uses a generic, proprietary file format (see above) allowing it to verify and repair low level data consistency, featuring logarithmic growth of the database and logarithmic speed decrease with increasing database size. The DEVONtechnology kernel is Unicode-aware, completely language-independent and self-optimizing and self-organizing.
Layers: The layers form a shell around the kernel and provide high-level functions for the applications built on top of them. The database layer, for example, is used to store and organize data and supports all kinds of relations (1:n, n:1, n:n), hierarchies and freeform databases. No indexing or primary keys are required, strings can be unlimited in size and it's possible at any time to extend the range of pre-defined data types (Boolean, character, float, double, signed, unsigned, string, date, time, blob, color, size, and point). Another layer, the XML layer, makes it easy to handle XML code within the DEVONtechnology; it has a very small overhead, compared to DOM parsers or available XML databases, requires no indexing and supports the tight integration of other databases (and vice versa).
Zu jedem Dokument lässt sich in DEVONthink ein "See also"-Panel ausfahren, welches Dokumentbeziehungen darstellt. Dies funktioniert so gut, dass ich vorerst darauf verzichten werde, mir die von Evernote gewohnten "Beziehungsdokumente" zu erstellen, die zusammengehörige Dinge verlinken.
Einige Beispiele:
Mission Gamma Book Two: This Gray Spirit: This Gray Spirit Bk. 2 (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine) eBook: Heather Jarman
Relatively Famous eBook: Jessica Park
Das Marsprojekt: Amazon.de: Andreas Eschbach
Unter den Straßen Berlins eBook: Isabell Schmitt-Egner
Cold Prey - Eiskalter Tod (2006) - IMDb
Die Büchse der Pandora
(Hierzu hat Evernote z.B. gar keine Beziehung finden können)
The Android tablet problem, nicely summarized by one review’s conclusion